Introduction to Electric Circuits: Book Summary| Free Download Book PDF

“Introduction to Electric Circuits” is a comprehensive textbook written by Ray Powell, aimed at students studying electrical engineering. The book provides an in-depth analysis of electric circuits, covering all the fundamental concepts and principles needed to understand the behavior of electric circuits.

Overview of Introduction to Electric Circuits Book:-

The book is divided into two main sections: DC circuits and AC circuits. The first section starts with an introduction to basic circuit concepts such as voltage, current, resistance, and power. The author then goes on to explain Kirchhoff’s laws, Ohm’s law, and various circuit analysis techniques such as nodal analysis and mesh analysis. The chapter concludes with a discussion on circuit theorems such as Thevenin’s theorem and Norton’s theorem.


The second section covers AC circuits, starting with an introduction to sinusoidal signals and phasors. The author then discusses the behaviour of various AC circuit components such as capacitors and inductors, and introduces the concept of impedance. The book then delves into AC circuit analysis techniques such as phasor analysis and impedance matching. The section also covers topics such as resonant circuits, transformers, and three-phase circuits.


Throughout the book, the author provides numerous examples and problems to illustrate the concepts and techniques discussed. The problems are designed to challenge students and encourage them to apply what they have learned. Solutions to selected problems are provided at the end of the book, which allows students to check their work and ensure they have a solid understanding of the material.


One of the strengths of this book is its clear and concise writing style. The author explains complex concepts in a straightforward manner, making it easy for students to understand. Additionally, the book is well-organised, with each chapter building upon the previous ones, which ensures that students develop a strong foundation in electric circuits.


Another strength of the book is the inclusion of practical applications of electric circuits. The author provides examples of how electric circuits are used in real-world applications such as power generation and transmission, telecommunications, and electronic devices. This helps students understand the relevance of the material and how it can be applied in their future careers.


Topics which covers in book:-

Units and dimensions

Dimensional analysis, Multiples and sub multiples of units, Self-assessment test


Electric circuit elements

Electricity, Electric circuits, Circuit elements, Lumped parameters, Energy stored in circuit elements, Power dissipated in circuit elements


DC circuit analysis

Definition of terms, Kirchhoff’s current law, Kirchhoff’s voltage law, The Principle of Superposition, Thevenin’s theorem, Norton’s theorem, The Maximum Power Transfer Theorem, Delta-star transformation, Star-delta transformation


Single-phase a.c. circuits

Alternating quantities , Single-phase a.c. circuits in the steady state, Series a.c. circuits, Complex notation, Parallel a.c. circuits, Series-parallel a.c. circuits, Power in single-phase a.c. circuits


Three-phase a.c. circuits

Generation of three-phase voltage, Phase sequence, Balanced three-phase systems, Power in balanced three-phase circuits



Series resonance, Parallel resonance


Nodal and mesh analysis

Matrices, Nodal voltage analysis, Mesh current analysis, Self-assessment test


Transient analysis

Circuits containing resistance and inductance, Circuits containing resistance and capacitance, The Laplace transform


Two-port networks

The impedance or z-parameters, The admittance or y-parameters, The hybrid or h-parameters, The inverse hybrid or g-parameters, The transmission or ABCD-parameters, The inverse transmission parameters, Cascaded two-port networks, Characteristic impedance (Z0), Image impedance, Insertion loss, Propagation coefficient (3′)


Duals and analogues

Dual of circuit elements, Dual circuits, Analogues


Overall, “Introduction to Electric Circuits” is an excellent textbook for students studying electrical engineering. It covers all the essential concepts and techniques needed to understand electric circuits and provides practical applications of the material. The book’s clear writing style, numerous examples, and problems make it an excellent resource for students and instructors alike

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